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  • LeewayHertz, based in the United States, is a healthcare software development company that develops and delivers scalable solutions in the healthcare industry. They take into consideration the specific needs of each customer and develop new solutions that improve the security and scalability of the healthcare ecosystem.

  • Last update: 11 months ago

LeewayHertz Profile Overview and History

LeewayHertz, based in the United States, is a healthcare software development company that develops and delivers scalable solutions in the healthcare industry. They take into consideration the specific needs of each customer and develop new solutions that improve the security and scalability of the healthcare ecosystem.

Their healthcare software development services include telemedicine software development, remote patient monitoring system, patient engagement solutions, mobile health app development, and Internet of Things (IoT) health software development.
Additionally, their knowledge of new technologies, such as blockchain, IoT, and artificial intelligence, allows them to develop cutting-edge healthcare solutions.

Note: If your information is either listed and requires update, delete or has not yet been listed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to assist you in updating or adding your profile, connecting you with the world's largest directory of doctors and hospitals.