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TransEarth Medical Tourism

  • MediConnect is a reliable medical tourism company that has received National Tourism Award twice. It has established a connection with top-notch hospitals like Apollo and Jaypee. The dedicated in-house team lets you get multiple healthcare options from different hospitals. You can easily send your queries to those hospitals.

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  • Last update: 11 months ago

TransEarth Medical Tourism Profile Overview and History

MediConnect is a reliable medical tourism company that has received National Tourism Award twice. It has established a connection with top-notch hospitals like Apollo and Jaypee. The dedicated in-house team lets you get multiple healthcare options from different hospitals. You can easily send your queries to those hospitals. 

Besides, you can check doctors’ qualifications before making a decision. The team also takes care of post-operative queries of patients. Moreover, to buy flight tickets and get other medical tourism assistance, you can rely on MediConnect.

Note: If your information is either listed and requires update, delete or has not yet been listed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to assist you in updating or adding your profile, connecting you with the world's largest directory of doctors and hospitals.